Dumpster Rentals Depot ®


Junk Removal and Dumpster Rentals

Junk Removal
It is normal for all living organisms and individuals to produce waste, junk. Societies depend on the capacity of ecosystems to eliminate such wastes. Without an ability to manage wastes, organisms cannot live indefinitely. A lesson often taught in introductory biology classes provides a useful illustration. Bacteria inoculated into a rich culture medium will at first grow and multiply. But eventually, as waste products from bacterial metabolism accumulate in the medium, the bacteria can no longer multiply and may die. The death happens even though there may still be plenty of food for the bacteria. They are poisoned by their wastes.

Higher organisms (humans) require systems to process wastes and spend significant energy to deal with wastes. For example, a human body has kidneys, liver, large intestine, and bladder that are primarily committed to waste processing. Further, the circulatory system is just as important for transporting wastes to be processed or eliminated as it is for carrying oxygen and nutrients to cells. Waste management is an important and necessary function of higher organisms. Similarly, a portion of society’s energy must be committed to the important but unglamorous task of waste processing/junk removal in order to promote health and well being.

On a local scale, junk removal and garbage collection is a particularly important function

Collection of unseparated and separated (recyclables) garbage is a critical part of any solid waste management program. Collection starts with the garbage containers, for example disposable bins, holding materials that are no longer useful (solid waste and recyclables) and ends with the transportation of solid wastes or recyclables in the disposable bins to a location for processing, transfer, or disposal. Garbage collection involves both the service provider (a dumpster rental company) and the selection of appropriate technologies.

The management of collection is most difficult and complex in an urban environment because the residential and commercial-industrial waste and recyclables are generated in every home, every apartment building, and every commercial and industrial facility, as well as in the streets, parks and even vacant areas.. Companies providing junk removal services must recognize and deal with the concerns of a population paying bills for services that reflect high cost of fuel, labour and marketing. Of the total amount of money spent on garbage management (collection, transport processing, recycling, and disposal), approximately 50 to 70 percent is spent on the collection activity. Because such a large portion of the total cost is associated with the collection operation, a small percentage improvement in the marketing expenses can affect a significant savings in the overall cost. That’s why Dumpster Rentals Depot , by consolidating marketing efforts can offer a significant savings in the overall cost of the junk collection and junk removal operations.

  • Published: 2010-09-16T11:25:39-07:00
  • Author: Laura Schmidt, Dumpster Rentals Customer Supp