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Fourth Volume of "365 Ways To Save The Earth" Series Of Articles.

This is the fourth issue of the series of posts “365 Ways to Save the Earth. It is devoted to environment protection and energy saving. Read the previous post here Roll Off Dumpster Rentals Blog . This time we would like to share a few more tips and easy-to-do recommendations on how we can contribute to saving not-renewable resources and protect our environment and our communities for ourselves and future generations.

Use wood for heating.

America's forests cover 745 million acres, or 33% of the entire country. Of that total U.S. forested area, 495 million acres, or 67 %, are commercial forests that are used to produce timber for wood products.  

Canada's forests cover 397.3 million hectares (ha), other wooded land and other land with tree cover, which represent 53.8 percent of its total surface.  Canada is the home to 10% of world's forests.

As a source of energy, wood does not contribute to global warming.  Although burning it releases carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, the amount given of is the same as the amount absorbed while the tree was growing. 

Wood heating is more environmentally friendly than electric or gas.  Consider using it for your second home, or if you live near forested regions where transport costs will be lower.

Educate your children.

Indiscriminate use of new technologies; private and state economic interests looking for short-term gain; and disregard for both the common good and for the consequences for future generations are at the foundation of the dangerous situation facing the earth today.  We cannot shrug off our responsibility as consumers and as citizens.

Explain to your children that the Western model of consumption has limits.  Teach them to have concern for the environment.  Be firm about saving electricity, turning off faucets, and turning off the computer when it is not being used.  Set an example!  When education succeeds, it is often a result of having a model to follow every day.

Keep warmth in by insulating your home.

Energy demand in the developing nations of Asia, including China and India, is projected to more than double over the next 25 years.  Energy consumption there already has increased dramatically: from 1980 to 2001, India's rate of consumption increased by 208%, mostly due to rapid urbanization and increasing population.  China's increased by 130%.  The world cannot continue to sustain this output of energy - the environmental impacts are simply too great.

You can save energy by improving insulation.  On winter nights, increase the efficiency of your heating by drawing the curtains on each window.  During the winter, seal your windows with plastic or foam insulation.  

At Dumpster Rentals Cooperative we would like to thank our supporters:  Dumpster Rentals & Roll Off Container Service companies for their great help in promoting this environment protection movement.

  • Published: 2011-12-25T10:33:27-08:00
  • Author: Laura Schmidt, Dumpster Rentals Customer Supp