A Message From BC Wild Salmon Association

From the Rocky Mountains to the outer coast, and from the Yukon to the USA, wild salmon are at the core of the British Columbian identity.
Wild salmon feed BC’s wildlife, rivers, and forests. They have sustained First Nations for thousands of years. They are essential to our tourism and fishing industries. They feed us and our kids. And they connect us to the land and water in ways that words can’t describe.
Warmer waters and lower flows are becoming more common in our rivers as our climate changes. And that’s making life harder for wild salmon.
A new BC’s Water Sustainability Act dictates to consider fish protection while making water management decisions and the industry shall pay a fair price for fresh water.
Wild salmon IS NOT OURS to catch, eat and abuse in any possible way. We must also take steps to protect them.
- Published: 2017-03-26T11:00:03-07:00
- Author: Laura Schmidt, Dumpster Rentals Customer Supp