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Clean Environment and Life Safety

Karpaty Mountains Sustainable Development


The purpose of the event is to highlight the new global policy of the "green" course of the European Union and sustainable development of mountain communities of Ukraine. The schooling is planned in a mixed - face-to-face and remote format on the ZOOM platform following to the sanitary requirements in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. The program is formed accordingly to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine guidelines on the professional development skills of the High school employees and civil servants. Students from the partner universities will receive three ECTS credits within the certificate program of academic mobility of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

Session Topics:

  • Adaptation to climate change during COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Protection of biodiversity, water resources and recreation areas.
  • Tourism Perspective of Sustainability in Karpaty region.
  • Sustainable management of the mountains natural resources.
  • Municipal waste management and environmental impact assessment.
  • The third mission of universities: educational, cultural and aesthetic aspects.

Target audience: bachelors, masters, graduate and post-doctoral students, early-career practitioners, the higher school educators, researchers and leading lecturers, representatives of local governments, practitioners and community activists.

Terms of participation: Participation in the winter session is free. Participants are invited as speakers and listeners. The English-speaking student group will be formed of 20-25 people. Abstracts will be posted on the websites of the organizers and partners of the event. Papers that meet the requirements of the professional journals "Environmental Problems", "Physical Geography and Geomorphology" and "Higher School" (Ukrainian) will be presented to editorial boards and published free of charge subject to a positive review of the organizing committee.

Organizers: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Poltava National Pedagogical University named after V.G. Korolenko, National Ecological Center of Ukraine, Kosiv branch of the Shevchenko Scientific Society (Ivano-Frankivsk region).

The event will hold with the assistance and participation of scientists from the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, State University of Infrastructure and Technology, Bukovynian State Medical University, partner universities of the Baltic region, Georgia and Armenia, National Natural Parks of the Carpathian region of Ukraine.

Partners: ICO Information Center "Green Dossier", United Europe Intellectual Forum, All-Ukrainian Public Organization "Ukrainian Geographical Society", Western Center of the Ukrainian Branch of the «International Center for Scientific Culture - World Laboratory». Local partners are The Regional Charitable Organization Center for Public Initiatives and Igor Pelipeyko Kosiv Lyceum.

Important Dates:

  • The final version of the Program - 24.01.22
  • Submission of presentations, abstracts, poster reports - 01.02.22
  • Registration of participants until - 14.02.22
  • Materials prepared for printing in professional publications 12.03.22

Please register to this fascinating conference, in collaboration with Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.ONLINE REGISTRATION FORM

Contacts for inquiries:

Valeriy Mykhaylenko: carpaty2021@gmail.com +38098 122 3865

Mykola Bliznyuk: regcentr@online.ua +38067 408 1667

Note: As part of the winter session of the Carpathian School 2022, preparations will be made for the International Eco-Poster Competition ( organized by the International Club "ECO CULTURE", Kyiv ). Additional information - prof. Eugene Antonovich: mаntonovych@ukr.net +380664271393.

  • Published: 2021-11-24T18:37:43-08:00
  • Author: Laura Schmidt, Dumpster Rentals Customer Supp