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Selecting a Recycler for Recycling Electronic Devices

Recycling Electronics
The following due diligence steps should be performed as a minimum prior to selecting an electronic device recycler:

  • Visit the facility where the processing is to be done. Inspect the general housekeeping to ensure that there is an orderly system for processing and accounting for your materials. If you require proprietary information to be removed from your equipment, ensure that this is plainly stated in any contracts you enter into. Confirm with your management information systems person that this will meet your requirements or plan to have this done in-house.
  • Obtain a copy of all applicable permits, registrations, and licenses from the recycler. If permits are not required for the recycler’s operation, ensure that you receive documentation from the recycler that states that no permits are required.
  •  Ensure that the recycler and its vendors have an environmentally sound method for handling printed circuit boards, CRTs, mercury-containing devices, and ni-cad batteries.
  • Ask for a list of all vendors used by the recycler to outlet processed materials; this should include contact numbers and names. Contact these vendors in writing to ensure that they are in compliance with all applicable environmental laws and regulations.
  • Contact (preferably in writing) your local Province governmental environmental agencies and request any relevant information they have on the prospective recycler and its vendors. Check the documentation obtained from all vendors and contractors with the applicable agencies to ensure that the response from the recycler and its vendor are in compliance with all applicable environmental laws and regulations. If the responses are not forthcoming, contact the your local environmental agency for assistance.
  • Follow up with, at a minimum, an annual audit of the recycler and its vendors to insure your material is being handled, processed, and accounted for in compliance with the applicable environmental laws and regulations.V

Very often Waste Haulers and Dumpster Rentals businesses offer recycling as a part of their service packages. It may be more cost effective to have an electronic device recycler handle many of the above functions. In many cases, costs can be reduced by consulting with professionals to determine which steps in the process will be done internally and which should be contracted out. Below is the list of Dumpster Rentals businesses you may consider contacting for a free consultation:

  • Published: 2011-10-09T17:50:22-07:00
  • Author: Laura Schmidt, Dumpster Rentals Customer Supp